I need 1 to 10 stylesheets (I'll pay $100 each) for a sample document that I will attach. The sample document comes in both a single-page and mutli-page view, but the style classes should apply to both.
The sample document contains some legacy HTML, and this cannot be changed. REPEAT - The HTML elements cannot be changed. You must be able to create a kick ass stylesheet using the existing markup.
And you need to be fast (one week max, I'll pay more if you can really hurry on this with quality work).
Each sample document has several "panels". These panels are:
- Text & Image
- Standards
- Resources
- Form Viewer
- Rubric
and each have their own markup, elements and specified classes. The overall stylesheet should be consistent and look great.
The stylesheet you see applied to the same document is ugly, but it's all we have. That's where you come in. Do it up right and I will pay well.
Here is a zip file of the single and multi-page layout HTML/CSS files:
You will notice in each HTML file that several CSS files are loaded, you must use: doc.css, main.css and theme.css. Add anything else you will need including your own stylesheets, images.
This could lead to future work. I'm a programmer by day, but would like a designer to take this job off my hands really fast.
You should know: CSS/XHTML inside and out. I know my way around both, but I want a designer's edge on this. Know your color theory, add some shadows.... just make it pretty AND make sure it works in Safari, IE and Firefox with minimal hacks.