Programmer looking for a Designer for long-term partnership
Required Knowledge
xhtml, css, web standards, photoshop etc
Additional Info
I'm developer mainly, but can design a little. I'm looking for a designer mainly, who can do some developing (ie, CSS, XHTML, maybe even PHP.)
You must live in the greater Montreal area and be willing to get working soon. Ideally you are francophone, with great written language skills, who speaks English well.
There's no money up front, but we'll split all money we make 50-50. First order of business is to make ourselves a website. I have a plan to start advertising this new company (partnership) in late Jan or early Feb, so time is of the essence. I need to see some of your stuff -- a site or two will suffice.
BTW: This is NOT a full time gig. I have a day job and do this on the side.