Designer looking for a Programmer for long-term partnership
Required Knowledge
Working with Databases, PHP, MySQL
Additional Info
I need someone to help me out with my project at . I am currently redesigning the layout so don't worry about that. I need somone to make a simple database article/review system with user signup and login abilities. I need someone fluent with PHP and MySQL.
Basically this is a non pay job. BUT if any profit or revenue is made from this project then you will truly get 50% of it. You will also be part of the management team and we will be in a long term partnership to get this site up and running. You will get the chance to improve your current site too if this project of "ours" becomes successful.
I need someone who is willing to help, not too busy and lives around the Europe area, or somewhere clost to GMT time zone. Please send me a message or send an email to if you are interested.