I'm a Designer/Entrepreneur from Brazil. I've been working for more than 10 years with internet business, designing and developing for clientes from Brazil and other countries.
About 12 months ago I started working on a project for real estate listing website. That will accomodate all real estate agencies (about 500 agencies) from 3 different cities. Florianópolis, São Paulo and Manaus. One website, real estate properties from 3 different locations. The idea of this website is to work as a Social Network website, diferent from the tradicional search/result real estate websites. The clients will interact with the post (house, land, apartment) posting comments, visit recordings, sendind sms to the owners, post questions and other interactions that are more like Orkut and Facebook.
I'm looking for a programmer or 2, that can handle developing a strong backend sistem that will support over 30.000 members and 50.000 property listing, create Ajax and JQuery interactive interface, database, e-commerce configuration with merchants account.
I'll prove all the PNG/PSD Layouts. The hole website will have to be coded in XHTML/CSS. Will have to organized in case of future updates and modifications.
If you are a Entrepreneur/Programmer we can negociate a partnership %.
This is just the preview of the job. Programmer that fit the profile will receive a full plan of the work to negotiate rates.
Looking foward to find the right people to work with.