Programmer looking for a Designer for long-term partnership
Required Knowledge
Photoshop or Fireworks, Advanced knowledge of webdesign trends and ability to provide them in high quality
Additional Info
Hello designers,
I am experienced professional web developer. My main scene of providing works is related with PHP, .NET, MySQL, MS SQL, XHTML, CSS, SEO, SEM and SMM.
Actually I am looking for designer for a long-term partnership. I am freelance and I get some jobs from well-known job boards, but I have to deny them because my abilities to make great looking professional design is not very well.
My imagination of our partnership:
- I will be available for you (programming), you should be available for me (designing)
- When I get some job related with webdesign, I will contact you and we should start working on it
- I will pay you through PayPal when the job is finished
- I am looking for someone who can be flexible at price - not every project is high-budget project and its price is not $400-$500 etc. So I am looking for someone, who will understand actual situation and when I get project for $60, I can't pay you $50-$70 for design
- Currently I am working on 5 projects and I will need you to help me with 3+
- I am not looking for webdesign company with $350 charge for providing me .psd
- I think, we should not just be in strict partnership, but we can help each other with projects and do not charge $50 for every small thing.
If you are talented webdesigner I am looking forward to work with you!