Programmer looking for a Programmer for long-term partnership
Required Knowledge
Objective-C, Java, C++, C#
Additional Info
We are starting up a mobile developing section at Ultra Dynamic Industries, it is mainly a PC based company however mobile programming will begin as soon as a team is put together. Right now we are just building up a team, but plan to being development as soon as possible. We are searching through game engines and most likely a required language will be either java, c#, objective-c or c++. Feel free to check out our website and even if you are not interested in programming or able to assist us with your help please support our web hosting because all profit goes towards development programs for our mobile and pc departments to help us raise what we need to make our dreams and ideas happen. Everyone is welcome to join no matter what your skill set is we are all working together to make this thing happen. I look forward to working with some of you soon!