Designer looking for a Programmer for long-term partnership
Required Knowledge
word press, drupal, seo, cms, facebook
Additional Info
I am looking for a 'tech' partner for the very early stages of a start-up company. One person, or a small team who are very experienced on either Word Press, or Drupal CMS systems, as well as facebook to keep on top of the bunch of changes facebook is throwing at us.
The project is the, a to be portal of town guides for Crete.
I am seeking to port this now in TYPO3 coded page to one of the above mentioned systems.
Or probably re-built the layout to one of the above for the new additional 7 towns that are in the making.
Additionally 8 regions are planned.
And most important, a better integration of the SHARE feature is planned, as well as a user profile and an app once the content is complete.
About me:
The first web page I realized for an advertising company was in 1996. Since then I have been responsible CEO for Company web sits, magazines, international business fairs and exhibitions for the ministry of culture.
This project, the KRITIguide is my first own start up and I am determined to bring in all my experience to make this a great product!