Entrepreneur looking for a Programmer for long-term partnership
Required Knowledge
To qualify... You will need to be an ideas driven, Web Developer / PHP Developer / LAMP Developer or similar who can code flawlessly and demonstrate key skills in some or all of the following:
- Object Orientated Design, Service-Oriented Architecture, coding and design patterns
- eCommerce gateways (PayPal and World Pay)
- (X)HTML, CSS and JavaScript, including Ajax functionality and libraries such as jQuery
- Cross-browser development experience including W3C compliance
- Linux and Apache administration (virtual hosts, SSL, DNS)
- Ability to deliver projects which achieve the highest level of quality
- Ability to continue or modify a project from existing code
- Strong emphasis on usability and applying best practices
- Understanding of optimised and scalable scripting/database techniques
- API Integration experience (such as Amazon S3, Encoding.com, Google Maps etc)