Entrepreneur looking for a Programmer for long-term partnership
Required Knowledge
Ruby on Rails (worked with most of the commonly used plugins: Attachment_fu, acts_as_list, negative captcha), JavaScript(prototype, scriptaculous, and custom form field editing a bonus), MySQL (know how to use an index and what a join is), and Linux (be comfortable navigating and creating rails sites in a linux environment)
Additional Info
I'm a partner in a growing web design and development firm based out of New Jersey, USA. We're looking for a developer who can create database driven, dynamic websites. We create simplistic admin managed websites for our clients, and have many highly dynamic social networking sites up, and in development.
If you are interested, please email me with your experiences, examples of work, and availability at: jjmocko@lanfusion.com (I do not check this site very often so if you just message me here I might not see it).