Entrepreneur looking for a Programmer for long-term partnership
Required Knowledge
.Net, C# (Preferred) or VB
Additional Info
Create a .Net (C# preferred, VB OK) data collection for physical inventory and receiving program on Windows CE. The device is a Datalogic memor. External program accesses the mobile computer as a networked drive and writes an ini file to configure device. A CSV inventory master file is placed on the mobile computer. Scanned item are validated. If the part does not exist, unit beeps and user can accept the part number, scan again or enter part number manually. Every transaction is saved to a CSV file. An optional grouping code can be manually entered. Two flows are supported: Input quantity if not one, scan the item; Scan the item, enter the quantity if not one, press enter to complete. The data entry screen has these fields: (Barcode, Quantity, Description , Price, Our Part number, Group. The data entry screen has five functions: OK , Back, Enable, Delete, Exit program.
The transaction file can be off-loaded and emptied at any time by another program.