Entrepreneur looking for a Designer for 1 job
php, cssRequired Knowledge
Problems we have:Additional Info
1.Would like uploading and installing process to be problem free (no worry of whats binary or ascii)
a.The script doesnt seem to install easily on alot of popular hosting services (shared vps hostgator). We would like this script to install easily without a hitch.
b.We would like script to be able to detect that requirements (PHP version etc on server) are being met and if not, to alert the installer.
c.Possibly after install to have program automatically delete install folder? If possible.
2.We desire admin design to have same look as the login for admin...kind of microsofty? Blue white, antialised.
3.I have an image of how we want frontend to look as well here: <a href="http://www.sendwire.com/adsenseimage.gif">here</a>
a. We would like flicker shots to be vertical on right
b. Keywords in middle as you see.
We need css work done on php site. Frontend of site must integrate well with backend. Can change css layout within admin of program, but would like to offer different templates to users. We want default css theme to look good no matter what changes are made
css, phpTags
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