Programmer looking for a Designer for a few jobs
HTML, CSS, ASP.NET 2.0 (Only to a basic level being able to navigate around it)Required Knowledge
I need someone to create several templates for a shop based on the commerce starter kit. The templates I require are to be clean, stylish and compliant with current w3c guidelines.Additional Info
Please download the commerce starter kit at
It's not important what the shop appears to be selling, the templates will be used only for the structure and the css, we will apply any graphics to advertise products at a later date.
Can you please supply a URL of the template once the design has been completed, the best ones will be paid for.
The templates don't have to be unique please see template monster for some examples of shop fronts -
I will require the designs to be fully integrated with the commerce starter kit and not to have to integrate them myself.
Any questions please let me know.
This could be the start of a long partnership for the right designer(s)
html cssTags
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