Entrepreneur looking for a Programmer for long-term partnership
Required Knowledge
ajax, mysql, css, xhtml
Additional Info
I'am from france, I have apply to TechStars (Program for helping web entrepreneur in Boulder Colorado)
and I'am looking for a co-founder.
Profile :
- You must like french people. (we never know...)
- Knowledge in Ajax, Rss, mysql (strong knowledge)
- Open-minded, ambitious, smart and hard-worker.
- Strong knowledge in music (every kind of music) in web site (You know what's going on about internet)
I need someone I can work with even if its my project I ll be glad to share it with a smart co-founder.
U can visit my site, it's in french but you see what I like . http://victorbibies.vox.com/
Any questions about my profile, my project and others feel free to email me.
The dead line for having a decent co-founder is the 31 of march