A self taught web designer, php coder, sql enthusiast. Who writes web pages in HTML as well as create big websites on Wordpress but a few in Joomla. A tech enthusiast who develops bootstrap powered themes for Wordpress, Joomla and HTML based websites and Applications. Recently I have added CakePHP to my Arsenal though am no expert there yet.
Though haven't developed desktop applications am learning Java and will later learn Python to meet one of my goals.
Currently work with http://www.gagawalagraphics.com as a web designer and operations manager and whose core purpose is to "Inspire, improve life".
Fully developed or partially participated in developing of
http://ucota.or.ug, http://ortegaian.com, http://greatwolfhotel.co.ug, http://homeadvancecleaning.com, http://gagawalagraphics.com, http://keepnaturegreen, http://sarahnamulondo.com, http://africawildexplorations.com
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