Well over two decades of programming and IT management in a wide range of technical environments and with multiple platforms. Ranging from mainframe, through mini-computers, client server, groupware and web applications.
Experience in following industries: Education, insurance, finance, pharmaceutical, consumer products, heavy industry, entertainment, government.
Technical experience includes:
Ten years of IT consulting for major corporations: including J&J, Prudential, Unilever, Revlon, Philips and others....
Eight years of eBusiness/eCommerce as a developer and manager for a global electronics corporation.
Four years as an IT Director heading up an IT development team and a Project Management Office.
Last year and a half running own business designing, developing and supporting web sites for a variety of small to medium sized businesses. Extensive use of style sheets, PHP, MySQL, as well as customizing packaged solutions for commerce - primarily Zen Cart.
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