We are a small web development agency based in Chandigarh (India). We have a team of 10 developers. 9 PHP/MySQL and Javascript/AJAX developers and 1 specialized XHTML/CSS coder. Our PHP/MySQL developers are also good at XHTML/CSS coding. We specialize in PHP/MySQL, Cakephp, Extjs, jquery, AJAX work. We also specialize in CMS based websites. We have worked in past over Joomla, Drupal and Wordpress.
asi.calpoly.edu - It is the website for Associated Students Inc, California Polytechnic University. This website has been developed on top of cakephp framework. They have been provided with a complete admin panel and frontend functionality for events, jobs, sports schedules, club members, classifieds, Basecamp integration for web requests,provided them with rss feeds to use on other sites, google maps integration, contact forms etc.
malwapolytechnic.com - PHP, Textpattern CMS, Site wide Search, XHTML, CSS based design.