My name is Balazs Nadasdi and i was born in 1987, in Hungary...
I started to learn programming when i was about 11-13 years old and i started to use Linux when i was about 14-15 years old...
I want to be a programmer...
I know:
- Valid HTML
- Valid CSS [IE, Opera, Firefox, ...]
- Images [Gimp ^_^] <a little>
- Perl
- Python
- C
- Linux Bash
- WebServer ConfigurationReferences
- KoCCcka.hu - This is my Page ^_^
- PhoenixChat - Just if my commputer is running...
- BackPacking - This was my fist project...
- LiMEChat - I made a part of the engine of PHP of the page...
- N+L 60 kft. - Now I work on this project...
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