We are a team of professional web masters located in Eastern Europe (Ukraine) which serves local and global customers for more than 7 years. Our developers are highly qualified and experienced in modern web technologies, web designers are talented by nature and produce extremely eye catching and striking original designs. Currently our team consists of 25+ web developers proficient in C/C++, PHP, MySQL, .NET, Java Script, Ajax, Oracle, XHTML, XML, XSLT, Adobe Flash, Action Script as well as all modern Frameworks such as Symfony, CodeIgniter, Smarty etc.
There are 2 highly experienced Project Managers at our team, who speaks fluent English/German. Project managers are available almost 24/7 by phone, MSN, Yahoo Messenger, Skype, ICQ or email.
Below you can find a list of projects we specialize in:
- CMS;
- online stores;
- online testing system;
- online casino;
- online catalogues;
- online dating sites;
- mailing and search engines and many other projects.
Almost each web application produced by our company is followed by the modern Content Management System, which makes the management of the web site much easier and convenient.
You can find more information about our team at www.ictsoftware.com which also contains portfolio section with direct links to our projects.
We guarantee that you will be fully satisfied with our work because in our team quality goes first and we always meet the deadlines and deliver our work in time. We are sure that you will be totally satisfied with the work done. If you ever show any interest in effective and long collaboration with us, we would be happy to serve you.