Programming has been my passion since 1983, when games were published in books and magazines as source code and these had to be typed in (on a rubber keyboard on the ZX-Specturm).
I've been coding professionally since 1995 for various industries (details on my website) during which time I've developed dozens of Windows based databased desktop applications.
My main passion for the last four years has been coding web applications using Ruby on Rails. Some recent examples include:
* - powers an Android voice messaging application that enabled Android users to send short voice messages to each other. Includes an efficient Push notification mechanism (currently supports 3,000 concurrent and presistant connections using about 30mb of memory) - site, plus push notification service plus Android application took 9 weeks to code. I recently sold
* - large web application - 3 months to code
* - a product site - one week to code
* - developed a custom algorithm that renders a Bill of Materials in two database trips for any item build (a good example is and - coded in 6 weeks
* - community driven site that interlinks many game objects will full revision control. Also includes a custom Google Map implementation (see - coded in 8 weeks
Programming Language strengths:
* Ruby on Rails - four years. This is my preferred development platform
* Javascript - six years. Well versed with jQuery and Prototype. Firm believer that JavaScript will dominate web applications in the coming years.
* CSS - six years - experience with 960gs and Yahoo's YUI2.
* Windows applications using Delphi - 14 years. I spent most of my professional life developing in Delphi. I am not a fan of .Net
* Java Android development - six months.
* PHP development - four years. I don't code in PHP any-more. Please, no PHP offers.
Database experience:
* mySQL - eight years
* msSQL - ten years
* Oracle (7 - 11) - 15 years. Sometimes work as an Oracle DBA.
* Firebird/Interbase - ten years
Not a big fan of Windows desktop and especially not Windows servers.
Linux server experience - six years, using:
* Gentoo
* Ubuntu and Debian
Linux administration:
* Complete server management. I typically rent a dedicated box and install all required services.
* Postfix/Exim configuration and management
* Bind/Named configuration and management
* Asterisk configuration and management
* Apache2 conflagration and management
* NginX configuration and management
I am fanatical about source control and change management, especially using Git and Subversion (for corporate clients). I find it shocking how many large organisations I've worked for use VSS and no change management!
Personal strengths:
* I've become pretty good at taking a layered PSD and converting it to XHTML and CSS.
* I prefer to code an application correctly but also quickly. In other words, I don't obsess over my code but find solving the business requirements with the least effort more challenging and rewarding.
* I specialise in complete software life-cycle management. Which means that I work from interviewing a client to collect specifications, code the application, write documentation, manage the client and the product after release, detailed change management and so on.
* I administer all my Linux servers and I will be able to provide managed hosting for any web applications developed.
* I can't design to save my life :). I am good at copying a design (excellent in fact).... just not good at coming up with one from scratch. This is not due to lack of Photoshop skills... just a lack of design skills.
What am I looking for?
I am looking for a long term partnership with a good designer that has requirements to code medium to large dynamic web applications. Location doesn't matter. Preferred language English please :).